Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Big branches that came off a tree in the backyard.
Big pine tree that ripped out of the ground in the front yard.

Big tree that came down in the backyard.

Monday, July 7, 2008

We are officially all moved into our new house and almost done with having 2 "houses." Now we need to finish unpacking and get ourselves somewhat organized. I hate not knowing where things are and where I should put things. I will post some pictures of the house once I get things done. We just got back from California on Saturday night. Anika did very well on the plane! Anika, Blake and Cassidy all got to meet thier Great-Opa and Great-Oma for the first time and they loved it. We did alot of activities in one week (proably too much for the kids). I'll be posting some pictures real soon!