Friday, October 24, 2008

1st Birthday!

In the midst of all her new/old toys and her friends!

Anika hasn't quite figured out how to open presents,
hopefully she'll be ready by Christmas!

Yummy cake!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Anika will be 11 months on Friday.

Walking with toys and moving tables around.
She walks about 10-12 steps at a time.
Drinking from a sippy cup only more bottle!

Helping Daddy cut the yard.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Big branches that came off a tree in the backyard.
Big pine tree that ripped out of the ground in the front yard.

Big tree that came down in the backyard.

Monday, July 7, 2008

We are officially all moved into our new house and almost done with having 2 "houses." Now we need to finish unpacking and get ourselves somewhat organized. I hate not knowing where things are and where I should put things. I will post some pictures of the house once I get things done. We just got back from California on Saturday night. Anika did very well on the plane! Anika, Blake and Cassidy all got to meet thier Great-Opa and Great-Oma for the first time and they loved it. We did alot of activities in one week (proably too much for the kids). I'll be posting some pictures real soon!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Sitting outside of Cracker Barrel after having breakfast
with Sam and Lauren.
Anika found a new place to play...under her highchair!

Today Anika learned to clap her hands!

So just ignore my voice in the background. Anika's first time in the pool and it may have gone better if there weren't so many people in there splashing and making alot of noise!

Trip to TN

Chilling out at the hotel before the wedding
Mommy and Anika at the wedding
It was so hot that day! After we returned to the hotel
Anika was sweating in her carseat, so we took her clothes off.

Anika ready to go in the pool for the first time at the hotel!

Daddy ready to put Anika in the pool.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Did I also mention that she loves to crawl to the door stop and play with it to make noise. She has also managed to take the door stop out of the wall!


Anika just started crawling about two weeks ago. Now she is crawling all over the place and picking up speed. She loves to go towards the vertical blinds, computer cords, the touch floor lamp and the cats water dish.

Daddy and Anika playing with a Leap Frog basketball we borrowed from Blake and Cassidy. Matt showed her how to do it and then Anika did it by herself!

I've been trying to post a couple of videos for everyone to see, but it hasn't let me yet. Anika is now crawling all over the place and nothing is safe anymore. Even the cats know that their not safe on the floor. Anika has even learned that if we don't move the cats water bowl quick enough that its fun to put her hands in it or even tip it over.
Our living room is filled with packed boxes ready to be moved to the new house. We're hoping to start moving stuff sometime next week. We are ready to be out of the townhouse and be in the new house closer to family and friends!
Well, hopefully I can get some videos posted soon. I've been able to post videos before so maybe its just a "glich" or maybe our computer isn't running fast enough to post them.

Monday, May 19, 2008

We decided to let Anika try to feed herself. She didn't put any food in her mouth but she did like to play with the spoon! She got very messy and enjoyed doing it...that's what bath time is for!

Anika tried the Level 3 macaroni and cheese dinner. At first she wasn't too sure about the little chucks of noodle in it, but eventually got the hang of it!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Anika seems to be drawn to the cat toys lately. This morning she decided she wanted to play with the cats toy that has a ball inside that you can spin around. Meesha loves this toy and they were both playing with it, passing the ball around to eachother.

Sweet Potatoes

Last night Anika had level 2 sweet potatoes and chicken dinner. (The last time she had sweet potatoes with level 1 she got a rash on her face). She ate almost the entire jar and seemed to be doing fine. About an hour and a half later she was getting fussy, so we decided to get her ready for bed. We gave her a bath, read her story and she started drinking her bottle. Next we know, she starts throwing up all over herself, me, the couch and the floor. Matt runs to get some towels to clean up and clean pj's for Anika. We get everything all cleaned up and I head upstairs and change. I bring all of the soaked clothes and towels downstairs and put them in the washers. I come back up stairs and Matt is feeding her the bottle again. Next thing we know, she is throwing up again all over Matt and a little on herself. A little while later she threw up a little bit more so after talking to my mom I called the on-call nurse. The nurse said to not give her anything to drink for at least an hour and after that give her only clear iquids. By morning I could go back to her normal routine. Anika ended up falling asleep on me and slept through the night. She seems a whole lot better now and ate her bottle this morning. I don't think she is going to have any sweet potatoes for a while. I felt so bad for her, I don't like to see her sick or not feeling well.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Anika is sitting up and rolling all over the floor.
She's been trying to crawl for almost a week now. She will
get on all fours and move her legs and hasn't figured out
that to move better she would need to move her
arms too! We think she will be crawling good in a week!


Anika pulls her bumper pads down
after she wakes up from her naps to
look for us!
She loves her macaroni and cheese dinner!
Trying out the sippy cup and holding it!

Anika and Sylvia playing at Grandma B's house
this past weekend!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Anika had her 6 month doctor appointment yesterday. She is
16 lbs. 6 oz. (65%) and 27 1/4 inches (90%). The doctor
says her weight is starting to level out and she is doing good.
Anika received 3 shots in her legs and one liquid med. She goes
back in 3 months for her 9 month appointment.

Monday, April 21, 2008


Our family has suffered a terrible loss. We lost Anika's toy
caterpillar at the mall tonight. If you have seen "Calley
the Caterpillar," please let us know. Until then,
we will keep in touch with the mall lost & found!

I think Mommy is more upset than Anika is!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Anika's first time at the park!
It was the perfect evening for taking her
outside and enjoy the warm weather.

Happy playing on the floor!

Monday, April 14, 2008

It's Official!!
Matt and I are officially home owners. We finished signing the paperwork an hour ago. Now we have to clean the inside and get started on doing the roof. I'm looking forward to making the changes to make it ours. Not everything will be done right away, we're hoping to do a little bit every year.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

I'm 6 months old!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

I was giving Matt a hair cut the other night after I
fed Anika her oatmeal and carrots. I kept her in the
high chair and brought her into the kitchen with us.
We found out that Anika does not care for the sound the
hair cutter makes. Next time we'll wait till we put her
down to bed!

Anika loves her bird bath! She also loves to
roll up in her blanket. She rolls everywhere.
It won't be long till she starts crawling!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter!

Anika got an Easter basket from Grandma and Grandpa B.
filled with some really cute clothes, glow worm, pair of shoes, and
a hand-made stuffed turtle Aunt Jill made!
Grandpa and Grandma R. were California for Easter
visiting family...but we made sure we talked to them!

Her pretty pink Easter dress!

Our little angel!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My poor baby girl!
Anika has an off and on fever, runny/stuffy
nose and watery/goopey eyes that all equals out to be...
pink eye.
Now Anika has to have drops put in both eyes
every 3 hours for 7 days!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Here are pictures of the front and back of the house.
Inspections went pretty good,
the roof needs to be done for sure this summer!
The backyard is huge!
Matt saw deer tracks and what he thought
was skeletons of a deer head.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Our little bookworm!